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Local. Reliable. Experienced.

(610) 274-0606

Serving Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Maryland

Driveway Care

B&F Paving, Inc

Congratulations on Your New Driveway!

Your new asphalt driveway needs requires 6-12 months to fully harden and cure. Upon installation of your driveway, you can walk on it but keep your car off of it for at least 24 hours days (longer in the summer heat). The asphalt will soften and harden as the temps rise and fall. Using a garden hose to water it down on hot days is helpful but not mandatory. 

During the first 6-12 months try not to park your car in the same spot and remember not to turn your steering wheel when your car is stationary. Both of these examples will scar your new asphalt. 

The edges of your driveway are the weakest part due to the lack of side support. Driving on or near the edges will cause them to crumble. It’s a good idea to buold up the sides with topsoil. 

Upon completion of your new driveway, we will provide you with a pamphlet on how to care for it. With a little TLC, your driveway will last for many years to come.

Call today for service. Be sure to ask about our neighborhood special/discount!

Our Neighborhood Paving Special

Is it time for a new driveway? What about your neighbors? Our company offers discounts when neighbors decide to upgrade their driveways at the same time!

What Sets Us Apart From the Competition

  • Licensed and insured
  • Since 1986
  • 35+ years of experience
  • Locally and family-owned
  • 1-year guarantee
  • Competitive pricing
  • High level of workmanship
  • Dedicated to customers and services provided


“Excellent work and phenomenal customer service.”

- Scott

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